Dana Walton

Tips for Choosing Tires & Air Pressure for ATHSAV


We get a lot of questions about choosing the right tires for the Athens to Savannah Ride. For every one of you who reaches out, we imagine there are plenty more who don't, but still have questions. A 4-day event is a big time commitment and significant expense, and we want everyone to have the best possible experience. Since that starts with preparation, our resident expert and cycling coach, Dana Walton has some tips to help you plan your ride.

How Should You Train for ATHSAV? Ride Your Bike!

ATHSAV Training Ride

ATHSAV is unique. Not many rides offer three consecutive centuries. When we sign up for big events like this, most of us are excited and looking forward to riding back-to-back days. But sometimes, when life gets in the way of training, we begin to feel overwhelmed and under-prepared as the ride approaches. If you are like many riders, you have a busy life full of responsibilities. Unlike pro-cyclists, you probably find it difficult to get out and ride consecutive centuries.