A Look at What's New for the 25th Year of ATHSAV

It has been 25 years since Ken Sherman and Wallace Salter first rolled out of Athens in Ken Sherman1999. Since then, Athens to Savannah has grown the 2-day road ride to 3-days and added a 4-day gravel ride. Mileage has increased from 220 to 285 miles, and the road option offers a triple century, allowing  the most ambitious riders to log 300 miles.

How Should You Train for ATHSAV? Ride Your Bike!

ATHSAV Training Ride

ATHSAV is unique. Not many rides offer three consecutive centuries. When we sign up for big events like this, most of us are excited and looking forward to riding back-to-back days. But sometimes, when life gets in the way of training, we begin to feel overwhelmed and under-prepared as the ride approaches. If you are like many riders, you have a busy life full of responsibilities. Unlike pro-cyclists, you probably find it difficult to get out and ride consecutive centuries.

Two Things You Can Do NOW to Prepare for ATHSAV

We all know time flies, and we will be lining up for the Athens To Savannah Ride before we know it. Here are two things you can do now to get ready!

Go Get a Bike Fit

If you have never had a bike fit, get one.

When your body is optimized for your bicycle, you will enjoy the ride a whole lot more. Comfort is speed and prevents pain and injury.