Volunteer at ATHSAV

Interested in volunteer opportunities?

We need your help!

Thank you for considering being a part of ATHSAV. We could not deliver this event without amazing people like you!Athens to Savannah Ride

Whether volunteers help out for a few hours or all weekend, each one is an important part of our team. We are grateful to them for taking time to work with us on this incredible event that benefits the Georgia Hi-Lo Trail. This nonprofit event directs the proceeds to support the Hi-Lo mission to connect and empower rural Georgia.

If you want to be a part of ATHSAV, volunteering is a great way to join the fun AND have a front row seat for all of the action. We have a variety of tasks available, with something for everyone.

  • Aid Stations & Hospitality
  • Course Marshals
  • Course Crew

If you want to help or have questions, contact our volunteer coordinator.

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